piątek, 18 marca 2011
czwartek, 17 marca 2011
Pierwszy skończony needlepoint / First finished needlepoint
Korzystając z faktu, że dziś Św. Patryka i cała Irlandia świętuje a ja mam wolne, postanowiłam skończyć ten maleńki needlepoint. Fantazja mnie poniosła, chciałam wypróbować różne ściegi i oto co ukazało się moim oczom na końcu - efekt nawet mi się podoba :) Bardzo "moja" kolorystyka, bo uwielbiam pastele w hafcie. Nie wiem jeszcze co z tym zrobię, ale mam kawałek pasteloworózowego filcu, więc prawdopodobnie powstanie coś do igieł albo zawieszka. Efekty mojej pracy poniżej.
As it's 17th of march today and Ireland celebrate St. Patrick's day and I've got a day off just finished this small needlepoint pattern. I experimented a little bit with different kind of stitches - have to say I like the final result very much :) I'm happy with the colours as well as I love pastel designs. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this, but have a piece of pastel pink felt so probably that's gonna be pincusion or another kind of freebie.

As it's 17th of march today and Ireland celebrate St. Patrick's day and I've got a day off just finished this small needlepoint pattern. I experimented a little bit with different kind of stitches - have to say I like the final result very much :) I'm happy with the colours as well as I love pastel designs. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this, but have a piece of pastel pink felt so probably that's gonna be pincusion or another kind of freebie.

środa, 16 marca 2011
Aktualnosci / Updates
Ostatnio nie mam kompletnie czasu na szycie - nadmiar pracy daje se we znaki i wieczorem po prostu padam. Nie udalo mi sie jeszcze dokonczyc APOMa- ale maly progres jest, musialam za to wyprobowac nowe jedwabne cieniowane nici (Northern Lights, 042 Dew Drop) i zaczelam dziubac taki maly projekcik na podstawie jednego z darmowych wzorow ze strony Laury Perin. W zasadzie jedynie kontury sa oryginalne, przy reszcie poniosla mnie fantazja i zamierzam uzyc zupelnie innych sciegow niz autorka - mam nadzieje dzisiaj skonczyc, bo wyszywa sie bardzo przyjemnie. Wrozka tez czeka w kolejce na swoj czas, pozostaly wloski, skrzydelka i backstitche. Obecnie wszystko prezentuje sie jak widac na zdjeciach :)
I don't have time to stitch at all lately - too much work and evenings I'm simply to tired. Didn't finish APOM yet but there is a little bit of progres. I just had to try a new silk threads (Northern Lights, 042 Dew Drop) and started new little pattern - my inspiration was one from free patterns from Laura Perin's website, but I'm going to fill up the quares with stitches different from these she sugested. hopefully I'll finish it today, as its simple and very pleasant to stitch. Lilac fairy is waiting for her time as well, just few bites left - hair, wings and backstitches.
Below the pictures taken today :)

I don't have time to stitch at all lately - too much work and evenings I'm simply to tired. Didn't finish APOM yet but there is a little bit of progres. I just had to try a new silk threads (Northern Lights, 042 Dew Drop) and started new little pattern - my inspiration was one from free patterns from Laura Perin's website, but I'm going to fill up the quares with stitches different from these she sugested. hopefully I'll finish it today, as its simple and very pleasant to stitch. Lilac fairy is waiting for her time as well, just few bites left - hair, wings and backstitches.
Below the pictures taken today :)

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